As if countries around the globe didn’t have enough concerns, the announcement about swine…
All in good taste
Ever since we moved to the Elora community nearly 20 years ago, various groups of business…
Changing landmarks
For generations, houses of worship – some stone, some brick and others frame – have…
Before there was Twitter
Social networking via the Internet continues to grow at an incredible pace. Between Facebook,…
HST – change we did not need
There is no doubt that people generally do not like change. It is almost a natural law in that…
Nice try
While the sentiment that “no News is good News” makes sense some days, it can also be…
For what it’s worth
Back in 2005, David Dingwall, a politician turned Crown Corporation boss, uttered the famous…
63 million responses
It took 0.17 seconds for a recent google search on the subject of “getting along” to…
A state of flux
Mark Twain, legendary writer and poet, once stated “The reports of my death are greatly…
How soon we forget
Back in the late summer of 2003, this part of Ontario, as well as a good portion of the northeast…
What could have been
There is much to be said about an accomplished life led. Tragically, some lives fall far too short,…
Signed into law
A few short days after the federal government announced funding programs, in part to top up…
Time to investigate
Mayor Mike Broomhead is probably wrong when he suggested on Monday night that reporters are tired…
February thaw and more
Finally, the snow is melting and the ice is starting to thaw, but very soon we can expect another…
Salute to Literacy Day
As our staff worked away, on another edition of the Wellington Advertiser, an email showed up from…