Several times each year, virtually every municipal council is faced with the same recurring request…
A tool for every job
No one would think for a moment to use a chainsaw when framing a house. We have yet to see a trim…
Are the roads open?
As many residents of Wellington County and southwestern Ontario are learning – and some…
Twitter evolving from trolls to touching tributes
Not so long ago, I wrote an impassioned editorial in our sister publication The Community News that…
Quiet reflection
With a hectic lifestyle, at work and home, a trip to our bush is a great break from all the clatter…
Nomination season is here
The race for elections this fall has begun. Puslinch is the first township to have a run-off for…
Graffiti in context
A recent stop for a license renewal got us a bit ticked off when we noticed graffiti splattered on…
Another day brings sun
The bitter chill and freezing rain that clung to all it touched started to thaw when the sun came…
Reminder to be prepared
The arrival of the second major ice storm of 2013 on Dec. 22 once again left area residents without…
Reminder to be prepared
The arrival of the second major ice storm of 2013 on Dec. 22 once again left area residents without…
More service in 2014
The mailroom equipment is steadily humming in the background tonight as we write. With holidays…
Hunt safely, courteously
Wellington OPP report they have been receiving numerous complaints from property owners that…
The tree topper
With minimal snow and frozen fields, little Chloe and I were able to head back to various hot spots…
Christmas spirit abounds
The Christmas spirit was very much in evidence throughout Mapleton and area this past weekend. With…
Reviewing democracy
By most accounts, efforts by Wellington-Halton Hills MP Michael Chong to give MPs a stronger voice…