With Blackberry in one hand, an iPad in the other, a landline phone tucked under the chin and…
Countdown is on
There should be a collective sigh of relief sometime this weekend from politicians across…
More election talk
Election season is a fast-paced affair, both for candidates and the reporters trying to cover the…
Campaign follies
Ballots are already being returned by voters in areas that employed the mail-in vote method this…
Culture close to home
It’s been nearly a year since I started working for the Advertiser, and I’ll admit, at…
Community commitment
In 1968, Advertiser founder Bill Adsett set out with the goal of providing a valuable service to…
By the people for the people
With due respect to Abraham Lincoln and his Gettysburg address, "by the people for the people" is…
Thanks for running
In a perfect world when a municipal candidate comes to a homeowner's door, they would get a hardy…
A phenomenal fundraiser
This Sunday, a new chapter will be written in the amazing story of an inspirational Canadian, as…
Beekeeper battle
One of our articles this week notes a local beekeeper has joined a $450-million class action…
Election interest high
The 2014 municipal election campaign will soon be moving into high gear with the imminent arrival…
Discussion points
There is no question plenty of discussion points are needed if this election season is to be…
Nomination deadline looms
There’s a little more bustle in the clerk’s office these days. Around the county,…
New season on the way
Last Saturday, the Timbits soccer group in Fergus held its last game of the season. Over the summer…
This has to stop
Decades of comedy and great acting came to a close Monday of this week. Robin Williams known for…