We rarely see our Minto reporter get flustered, but this past week Pat was shaking his head a…
The road not travelled
Both Wellington County council and Mapleton council missed an opportunity to give more than lip…
Keep well this Christmas
It’s been a pretty tough year, to be honest. Getting Christmas cards ready for the mail a few…
Still time to give
After getting the layout finished for another week, we strolled up to the front counter and noticed…
Amalgamation redux?
More amalgamation anyone? Outgoing Mapleton Mayor Bruce Whale raised an interesting idea during his…
Lousy lesson
Not surprisingly, members of an Atom Local League team and their parents reacted strongly when…
Veterans shortchanged
The federal government came under considerable scrutiny last week over revelations it has tucked…
First place
An old car dealer friend with the chutzpah of a ring-master on steroids used to always say second…
Lights out
The lights flickered for a moment and the generator kicked in. Lights were restored and the meeting…
And around we go
To attempt to address problems with the complicated web of funding programs that transfer tax…
A leader passes
A late night phone call on Nov. 16 informing us that former Warden Brad Whitcombe passed away…
Please give
As snow descends and the shopping season takes off, we hope readers will give extra consideration…
Time for a holiday?
When we heard a private member’s bill to make Remembrance Day a statutory national holiday…
“Pulling a Wilkinson”
Many county residents may not be aware of it, but several local candidates on the losing end of the…
A century later
The First World War was about three months in at this point, 100 years ago. It would be another…