Insomnia is something I struggle with sporadically. Busy brain syndrome. The gift of those who are over-achieving, hyper-sensitive, over-thinkers. Me at 3am.
Sugar beets failed to generate big profits for farmers
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
The search is on for Ford-minded judges
Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government has been taking some heat of late for the appointment of two former political staff members to a committee that helps select provincial judges.
Sugar beets failed to become a popular county crop
The agricultural history of Wellington County is a fascinating subject.
Reflections: Careful cultivation
“Much food is in the tillage of the poor: but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment.”…
Break March
March has come into season like a lamb, nice and easy, which, for all of us afflicted with superstitious sentiments, means it will surely go out like a lion (kind of like the drunk uncle forcibly removed from a family reunion).
A different time
Former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney passed away last week.
Notorious ‘Dutch Lena’ began career in Guelph
We often hear the complaint that Canadian history is dull.
How did we get here?
How did we get here?
Full moon
I have a few tell-tale signs of a full moon rising that are based solely on my behaviour, thus, I’d like to apologize to my beloved Carpenter for the volatile week.
Reducing Harms, Building Community
Is it time to have a conversation about your substance use?
One of things businesses regularly do (have to do) is take inventory.