Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece has put forward a proposal that could save the lives of…
Games and such
It’s funny what resonates sometimes. While seated in a Turkish pizzeria on a side-street in…
A slippery slope
Mapleton council should tread carefully with plans to open up their development charges bylaw for…
Thank you!
Thank you. Many business people have been on tender hooks waiting for word on a Canada Post service…
Having it both ways
Once in while, a local council will make a decision that has all of us in the Newsroom scratching…
Celebrate your nation
It would seem a wasted opportunity, when producing a Newspaper with a July 1 dateline, not to…
School”s out, watch out
Two months of fun lay ahead with Canada Day starting off the holiday season. It’s an exciting…
Growth and water
As high winds blew across Concession 6 east in old Eramosa Township, we really hoped to see rain.…
Mapleton lost great ambassador in Campbell
One of the downsides to publishing Newspapers is we often hear bad News first. It is a reality we…
Guns, elections and dads
News, yet again, that a mass shooting took place leaves most of us speechless. Any conversations we…
Enlightened approach
Mapleton council has approved implementation of a process to identify post traumatic stress…
Good to be home
After a quick trip to Edmonton for the Canadian Community Newspaper conference and a week in…
Gas debate a hot topic
Much has been made of the Ontario Liberals’ alleged plan to “ban” natural gas…
Summer safety
This weekend we will celebrate the fourth birthday of our eldest daughter, Lauren. There will be…
Long weekend farm style
This Victoria Day weekend will go down in history (on the farm at least) as one of the most…