Mapleton council continues to be innovative in its efforts to raise necessary funds to maintain…
Sanctity of the ballot
In mid-December Guelph Eramosa council voted to approve vote-by-mail for the 2018 municipal…
Truth be told – hopefully
“Ring out the false, ring in the true.” If ever a quote seemed tailor-made to apply to…
Keep an eye out
This is a big year for Canada. Our nation will celebrate its 150th anniversary. Last summer we…
New Year”s message: Year of change ahead
2016 was a tough year for many of us. Everyone faces struggles of some kind, whether it relates to…
Christmas 2016: The rest of the story
Paul Harvey passed away in 2009 at the age of 90. His name will escape many, but for decades he was…
What was, won”t always be
We had a dilemma in the Newsroom last week. A.O. Smith was removing its water tower and the…
The art of socializing
Across the county, Christmas parties and get-togethers will be all the rage right now. Sports…
Taken for a ride
Every now and again we hear stories of fakes being passed off as the real thing. Counterfeiters…
A worthy experiment
There is an experiment underway in Canada’s most patriotic village. Arthur village was…
Claiming the moral high ground
Watching the federal conservative leadership race and hearing references to “Canadian…
Thank you, veterans
We live in a curious time; an age when freedom of speech has never been so available, yet so…
Enormous losses for Town of Erin
In the last two weeks the Town of Erin has lost two extraordinary citizens. Doug Follett, 93, died…
Evolving words and the end of sunny ways
There’s a stark difference between leading and the time spent trying to attain power. …
Too much reality
If ever there was a time to give thanks for being born Canadian, this past holiday weekend was it.…