We all have friends or know of people that scramble when the bill comes after a night out. Those…
Too much sad, not enough glad?
We met an old buddy for a coffee earlier this week. He’s been around awhile and little…
Press freedom
Freedom of the press is a sacrosanct element of a functioning democracy. Without freedom, much…
Bangladesh revisited
Back in November we received and published a thoughtful letter from a Pilkington resident about a…
Serenaded twice
With any luck a third serenade will confirm that spring is finally here. The old farm crowd used to…
Rising to the challenge
As tree limbs snapped under the weight of ice, it was pretty obvious the power could be out for…
Cruel blow to workers
Moments before our shipment of Advertisers arrived at the loading dock we got a panicked call at…
Time for some truth
Despite protestations to the contrary, people can handle the truth. Arguably, they deserve the…
Bittersweet result
One of the central tenets of a strong judicial system is innocence until guilt is proven. It is a…
Head, heart, health, hands
The H’s of 4-H rattled out in our reporter meeting, much like a recitation of the four times…
Spin doctors
A former colleague once lamented that municipal politics has unfortunately evolved from being…
“A” for effort
Recently we noted Wellington-Halton Hills MP Michael Chong’s ongoing efforts in making the…
Drive Clean fails again
Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece hit the nail on the head this week with his statement in the…
Fallout from changing habits
For the second time in four years, Reader’s Digest is staring down bankruptcy. This is just…
Words have meaning
Several months ago we said farewell to one of our longtime employees and recounted one of his more…