Former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney passed away last week.
How did we get here?
How did we get here?
You have arrived
As the GPS, standard in most cars and smart phones completes its directions and a vehicle pulls up to the address a cheery maiden announces, “You have arrived.”
Time to grow up
Our impulse control is clearly not in check this morning, so please excuse the rant on a subject that has been our passion for closing in on four decades.
Take a walk
They still call it MBWA – management by wandering around.
Ontario government’s win is a loss for citizens
Premier Doug Ford’s Ontario government finally won a court case.
Taylor Crazy
Our niece Courtney can’t get enough of Taylor Swift.
Reducing Harms, Building Community
In 2023, Guelph and Wellington County experienced the highest number of drug-related health incidents since our local public health agency began tracking the numbers in 2019.
Close to home
For generations of Wellington County residents, a smash and grab at a local retailer hit close to home.
Something must change
One didn’t need to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos this month to understand something is wrong with how the economy works for the vast majority of people.
‘Would you like a toner cartridge with that?’
“Good morning. Welcome to Staples. How may I help you?”
Police at it again
Already under the microscope due to a public perception problem and a rapidly decaying relationship with the media, you’d think the local police would find a way to stay out of the news for a while.
Happy New Year
2024 is the year for you to do you. That might sound a little selfish, but from what we have seen in recent days, the world is a better place for those who do their level best for others.
Resolutions for a somewhat saner New Year
The coming of a new year is generally viewed as a time of renewal – an opportunity to shake off the shackles of past imperfection and move on with a view to revitalization.
Making peace with 2023
People do care.