The kids are alright. That’s the message I want you to take away from this Remembrance Day column.
WriteOut of Her Mind
We did it. Our Halloween costumes met all my criteria: creative, affordable, comfortable, and not a lot of makeup or fuss.
Boo who
One fun Halloween party done, one more to go.
On Sunday, the Carpenter and I will mark our 23rd wedding anniversary; 23 years on October 23rd. That’s good luck (I could be making that whole good luck thing up, but please play along).
I believe in miracles and if you would like proof of one, here it is: I have successfully kept a house plant alive for three years and five months. Yep. Hold your applause.
I can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving weekend. I’m not complaining though, I’m excited.
Movie critic
The Carpenter loves watching movies with me. He really does. You can’t imagine how much.
I was late to work on Monday because I was attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. I am glad I made time to pay my respects. And yes, I wore black to work.
There is a superstition that if you kill a spider, it will rain that day. This begs the question, what if you spare them?
Proverbial box
Exhale. Week one of the school term is almost over. I remember the anxiety of this week like it was yesterday. It was yesterday.
Do not lament the end of summer. Don’t even start. I get this last week to bask in the glow of…
River friends
Monday morning was rough but I’m not complaining. Three days of Riverfest Elora was exactly what I needed to find that essential piece of myself that got buried during the pandemic.
It was my fault. I was careless.
When the Carpenter and I first arrived in Wellington County 21 years ago, we settled in Fergus. The only thing we knew about that town was that it was home to the Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games. That event was famous.
Sometimes, I am a great life partner. Sometimes, I am a brat. This weekend, I intend to be both, because it’s my best friend’s birthday.