My favourite animal also happens to be my nickname: polar bear. I’m okay with that. Who…
WriteOut of Her Mind
Existential mom crisis
No other decision in my life has prompted repeated episodes of existential crisis quite like my…
I couldn’t stop myself. It was as if I was possessed by the spirits of cranky ghosts of…
Driving Miss Dee Dee
You know the way your dog perks up its ears and cocks its head to the side when you say, “car…
Sick days
After one of the healthiest winters in my medical history, I can honestly say March came in like an…
Lightfoot, light heart
Tick another box of my Canada 150 bucket list. I got to see Gordon Lightfoot perform at the Elora…
Fortune cookie
This column is a tad risqué. It is intended for mature audiences, (though the story is about…
Across the pond
His bags are packed. The passport is ready. Forms are filled out. The money is in the account. And…
Canada Day
It’s no secret I’m not much of a planner, preferring to fly by the seat of my pants…
I love elections. I couldn’t wait to get my voter registration notice in the mail. It’s…
Post-podium panic
The Olympics are over. Now what? I cannot remember what we did before them and I haven’t a…
Oh, Canada, eh?
O Canada, my home and native land, as I prepare to celebrate your beauty by decorating my family in…
Lead by example
Before I begin, let me say I have a squeaky clean driving record. I have all my points incurring…
The Vegas Mojo
You should know by now I am a seeker of signs: purpose, life direction, meaning, location of my car…
Science Fair unfair
If there was one class I hated in public school, it was science class (and gym, math and grade 8…