Sometimes my spontaneity brings about the most amazing road trip adventures and sometimes, it just…
WriteOut of Her Mind
Maybe this pandemic has finally gotten to me, or maybe turning 50 was a bigger life change than I anticipated, but I’ve made a life-changing decision.
August. Already. It’s weird how this pandemic makes me feel like I’m moving at a glacial pace,…
New wheels
When the Carpenter picked me up on our first date, he was driving a 1986 silver Oldsmobile Cutlass.…
Green bin
A few months ago I came home to find a green bin standing upright in the driveway.
Early last Monday morning, as I was getting in the car to head to work, my three favourite neighbours, the cutest kids in town, yelled across the street in unison, “Happy birthday, Kelly!” Adorable.
The heat warnings of late have really turned up the heat of my affection for my husband, the Carpenter.
A long-standing mystery for me has recently been solved. I understand why people love gardening. I get it now. I truly do. It’s so simple that I cannot believe I’ve missed it all this time, when the answers were growing around me all along. Gardening is its own reward.
The two most important men in my life are my father, Gary, and my husband, the Carpenter. These two men have a lot in common, despite being from different generations.
There will be no Pomp and Circumstance to lead the graduating class of 2020 across the stage, signifying their official graduate status.
You’ll be relieved to know that the Carpenter did return home from the Elora waste facility last Saturday, which, as I explained last week, was not something I was certain would happen because that is his sacred place.
It is said if you love something, you have to let it go. If it comes back to you, then it was yours all along, but if it doesn’t return, it was never yours in the first place.
Walk with me
Hands up if the thought of wearing shorts frightens you more than the idea of going to the grocery store without a mask. I see you over there waving. We understand each other. Remember, there is safety in numbers.
Since this pandemic crisis began, I’ve been practicing visualization techniques to help get me through the feeling that every day is Ground Hog Day.
Breaking news
Thursday is one of two days I work from home in my frumpy clothes in the comfort of my home office.