The air we breathe What causes you to register concern? What are the necessary conditions to propel…
His purposes, His way – that’s easy
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
By Laurie Langdon Inner comfort The secret of contentment is found in the state of inner comfort…
Enslaved in the mundane
Our western world is so invested in scientific knowledge it often ignores the profound and gets…
Politics and prayer
It would be surprising if it weren’t so. Politics and electioneering in our fair land have become…
Helping those with mental illness
Naomi Osaka, a professional tennis player withdrew from the French Open citing mental health.…
Love finds a way
Most people in the world believe in God. They find purpose for life and comfort in troubles by…
Truth matters
The other day I was on the internet and came across some fascinating stuff. One of the things that…
God’s kingdom society
I once held a belief system that was exclusive. It told me that individuals who did not have Jesus…
Examining Canada
Canada Day has become controversial this year. Some want to cancel it altogether because of the sense of shame revealed recently about our disgraceful past actions as a nation while others want to celebrate, as always, the good things this country stands for.
Reflections: Preparing for summer
“Consider then and realize how evil and bitter it is for you when you forsake the Lord your God…
God: the active ingredient in my world
Submitted by Laurie Langdon Given the state of our world these days, what I am about to say may…
Devotions require devotion
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for…