After a theatre chain displayed Scotiabank signs on the front of its buildings, other theatres…
Good riddance?
As we enter the peak retail season, we usually are bombarded by a tremendous increase in…
GST and PST: Ouch
Over the course of any month, through the magic of e-mail, I get a great number of interesting and…
Harriston and Mount Forest post offices opened in 1912
This week’s column concludes the series on four Wellington County post offices built in…
An editor took a long trip by horse and buggy in 1876
Travel by road in the 19th century was something most people avoided as much as possible. The…
Danger of flooding on Grand River was acute in 1934
The construction of storage dams, combined with careful monitoring of conditions, has virtually…
Two English airmen killed in 1941 crash near Monck
Several years ago this column carried an account of an air crash in Eramosa Township during…
Stephen Springer adopted Wellington County as his home
Over the years, this column has offered short biographies of people born in Wellington County who…
Historic cemetery in Eramosa was established in 1873
The countryside of Wellington County is dotted with dozens of old cemeteries. Most are no…
Transformation worth copying
More often than not, we Canadians reject copying any ideas from south of the border. It may seem…
Booksellers may still be viable in todays world
For those who like to browse through bookstores, this is a difficult time. Many stores have closed…
Squabbling among Irishmen escalated to a murder in 1847
Unlike some parts of Ontario, Wellington County was largely spared the violence that came to Canada…
Unforeseen consequences of modern travelling
Now that the summer holiday season is ending, and the interruption caused by volcanic ash has been…
Hatchery memories
This past week, way-back memories came flowing back as never before. It all came about with a trip…
The last hurrah
According to the consumer price index, inflation is under control. Nonetheless, those numbers were…