In a speech delivered last July 23, John Tory, proposed government funding for faith-based schools.…
Looking on the bright side
During November, Diabetes Awareness Month, I pay extra attention to that illness. Consequently, I…
A grandpa remembers Christmas
When I was 9, Christmas week arrived with a mix of stampeding blizzards and silent nights when…
Continuing adventures of a humidifier
About eight years ago, I told the story of purchasing a humidifier from the local Home Hardware.…
The widening attack on free speech
Last month I wrote about free speech. Reaction to that column and a growing concern among fellow…
The trials and errors of writing a novel
Every writer who dreams big dreams imagines writing a best-selling novel. And the rest of us, who…
Got any prodigals in your family?
People in my age bracket have a number of advantages over younger folk. For example, we know…
Searching for a defining moment
I looked up from where I sat behind a table while waiting for people to buy my book, When Cobras…
Africa revisited
I noticed my son, David, check his watch then look at the map. He sat at the window, I occupied the…
A fallen angel?
Some people have entertained angels without knowing it. – The Bible My travel…
Any budding authors out there?
Have you written a book? If you have, or know someone who has, read on. You or your acquaintance…
You grieve more when you lose people twice
How do you grieve for someone you really didn’t know, but should have? Just last week I heard…
Busy times
Boy, have I been busy lately. It is fall time; it is country fair time; where the summer has gone I…
A bad idea
A report was issued recently by a government-appointed group to assess the issue of foreign…
Holiday makers
Tourism and travel and holiday makers, are more than “fun and games” for Canada. We now…