Techniques used in selling have changed, and consequently, have become increasingly ineffective.…
In many different contexts overexposure can lead to a great deal of trouble. Too much sunshine can…
Preposterous extremes
As Christmas nears, children have every reason to worry about Grinches. What if Dr. Seuss stories…
What women want
Too few know what women want; that gap is critically important as they make up numerically more…
The unfolding trend change
One of the most surprising by-products of the current speculative era has been the demand for…
Suggestive power
Television viewers or movie watchers do not realize that subtly they are being bombarded by covert…
Alternative asset
As oil prices soar there is the temptation to seek an explanation in Middle East turmoil. However,…
Staying out of work
It is astounding to see the number of places advertising for Help Wanted. It certainly is a welcome…
What really is sustaining the North American economy and the financial markets? When asked,…
Industry tremors
Recently, when an automobile company announced that it was cancelling some of its advertising on…
Weighing the odds
Economists have a poor record in their economic forecasts. Most are invariably optimistic, perhaps…
Aftershocks often very severe frequently follow an earthquake. Subsequent to the financial crisis…
Lure of the Island
Just last week we returned from another trip to western Canada. This time we visited a son who two…
Stray Fergus cow derailed freight train in 1893
When livestock confronts locomotives the results are invariably a disaster for both. The…
Kitchener engineer proposed power project in 1924
Over the years this column has consider pioneering conservation work of amateur…