During the last week of August, something new was added to our landscape. It has been dubbed…
Think twice
A widespread criticism of current economic trends is the growing disparity between those earning…
Quarterly capitalism
Too many investors, both professionals and the general public, act on the basis of what Hillary…
Double surprise
Yes! Surprise, surprise, a double surprise! Santa arrived early, leaving two very nice fluffy…
Left out
Those of us who are middle-aged or even older increasingly are being left out of the mindset of…
To market, to market
“To market, to market, to buy a fat pig …” So goes a junior school nursery rhyme…
Pillow talk
Insomnia is something I struggle with often. It’s the nature of my busy mind and sharing a…
Once bitten
The slap didn’t hurt, but the smear of blood across my skin was a sure sign of victory. He…
Busy and buzzy
Springtime is a really active time here on Westwind Farms. The moment the sun pops its nose up over…
One by one the independent stock investment firms are disappearing. This trend has been going…
Hillburgh’s Exchange Hotel became a local landmark
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
Great Lakes
We in Ontario have been blessed in so many ways that we sometimes overlook how fortunate we truly…
Fergus viewed liquor duties as tax on essential food
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
Love trumps loss
Not all funerals are sad. Sometimes a death in the family brings with it long over-due forgiveness…
As has occurred time and time again, the contemporary generation looks askance at the younger,…