I sat at my computer, my fingers fluttering aimlessly above the keys, with my brain frozen and…
A flawed proposal
I must confess that the proposed change in the way Ontario elects members for the provincial…
Looking to escape winter?
The nasty weather of last week made me dream again of travel to one of the warm and beautiful…
What owns you?
Over the years, I have owned over 20 vehicles made by a variety of manufacturers from four…
Taking the sting out of nasty words
“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” My mother often…
Death of a virtual friend
If you dropped in as I write this column, you would find me seated in my green recliner, a…
Children lead
Because I have travelled and lived abroad, people often ask me for the secret to good race…
Loving the family rebel
Do you ever feel like drowning or disowning your kids or grandkids? Don’t do it. Drowning…
Pollsters persuade
Roman comic Terence said, “So many men, so many opinions.” Last week, I…
Going to jail?
What would you do to your grandmother if she insisted on warning you against entering a certain…
Faith-based or fatally biased
In a speech delivered last July 23, John Tory, proposed government funding for faith-based schools.…
The widening attack on free speech
Last month I wrote about free speech. Reaction to that column and a growing concern among fellow…
Africa revisited
I noticed my son, David, check his watch then look at the map. He sat at the window, I occupied the…
Lure of the Island
Just last week we returned from another trip to western Canada. This time we visited a son who two…
A place to hide
Most of us have special places tucked in remote corners of our minds, places we return to when…