"There are no such things as incurables; there are only things for which man has not found a…
When I fumble and fail
“I want you to go yourself Ray,” the boss, Bob, said. “He’s a really…
Precious memories
I recently celebrated a birthday. It doesn’t matter how many, but far more than I care to…
Looking on the bright side
During November, Diabetes Awareness Month, I pay extra attention to that illness. Consequently, I…
The trials and errors of writing a novel
Every writer who dreams big dreams imagines writing a best-selling novel. And the rest of us, who…
A fallen angel?
Some people have entertained angels without knowing it. – The Bible My travel…
Remembering someone you love
Sometimes when we let our memories run wild, they come up with a collection of disjointed pictures.…
The gerontologist’s words struck me with the force of a bucket of ice water, “Your…
A worthy award
Louis Nizer said: A beautiful lady is an accident of nature. A beautiful old lady is a work of art.…
Some lost arts
“They don’t teach cursive handwriting in schools anymore.” I heard that comment…
From horses to strobe lights
“How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood” – Samuel Woodworth. How…
Two shades of black
I sat down to write this soon after the television broadcast scenes of rioting on the streets of…
When cops blunder
Wagging my finger, I yelled "Slow down," at the police cruiser driving at excessive speed…
When long-term memory fails
In April 1971, as we looked forward to our move to South Africa, we planned to visit a conference…
Honouring the unthinkable
Anna made the announcement, “I’m pregnant,” just days before we planned to hook…