While the economy no doubt will continue to take centre stage in the public’s mind, the…
Canada’s Business
Good riddance?
As we enter the peak retail season, we usually are bombarded by a tremendous increase in…
Four pillars of economic forecasting are creating skepticism
This economist’s skepticism about the latest economic forecasts is based on four…
Financial institutions demonstrated outrageous behaviour
If you had to pick something that marked the turning point for the financial community, you…
With the right approach, a vibrant downtown becomes possible
This columnist was a member of the task force formed to help improve downtown Kitchener. There were…
Facing some facts about our current economic difficulties
A cure cannot be forthcoming unless there is an awareness of the problem. Right now most…
Pricing power
No one is laughing when they do grocery shopping, as prices have climbed by a whopping 10 per cent…
What happened to the institution of marriage?
Something starling is taking place in our society. According to the latest statistics, for the…
Occupy whatever: Movement has plenty of flaws
One of the most bizarre trends at the present time is the Occupy Wall Street movement. There has…
New working environments
Frequently nowadays one can see someone opening a laptop in a Starbucks and working away,…
Managing dishonesty
There always have been people who have lied and cheated. We assume, perhaps unfairly, that…
Why not the stock market?
For most investors in North America the stock market remains the favourite choice. Yet, at this…
An upward move
For more than a year now gold’s price has been in a correction phase, never surpassing last…
A rare thing
In view of the tumultuous events in recent memory, economists should not be surprised by anything.…
Generational gap
From time immemorial the current, predominant generation belittled the coming group of young…