After some recent elections, it appears that our politicians think that voters are irrational. From…
Canada’s Business
Bigger is not better
Until recently in Canada and the United States, the bigger retailers had a dominant share of the…
A bad experiment
Throughout the credit world a new development has appeared, the rising employment of derivatives.…
A science academy
Currently we lack a science academy, something so beneficial for economic progress. Canada has…
Missed the bus
In early 1940, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain stupidly proclaimed that Hitler…
Our manufacturing industry is spiralling down, but unfortunately too few recognize that it is an…
Gold became underappreciated, undervalued, under-owned
For a number of years, this column has been predicting that the price of gold would move higher. It…
A major shift means old business models must be overhauled
It always is a pleasant experience to go into a store that sells expensive goods. The sales…
Are we relearning the same old finance lessons all over again?
One of the benefits of experience is that lessons are learned. It is unfortunate that our…
Social mobility has slowed
From time immemorial North American culture has maintained that “anything is possible;”…
A supercycle
Why is our economy behaving so differently this time? Ordinarily, after a business contraction…
Long overdue
Without doubt, for many decades the Ministry of Immigration has been among the worst branches of…
Remaking suburbia so people want to live there
When approaching the outskirts of Canada’s cities, particularly at intersections, one sees…
Reckless consumers
During the so-called Gilded Age in the United States in the later part of the 19th century, a…
Rampant hypocrisy over Canadas tar sands
Among the most blatant examples of hypocrisy are the recent cries emanating from environmentalists.…