Bang, bang and sometimes bang again, at the crack of dawn, quite often is the first thing I hear up…
Bits and Pieces
By the time this paper was slogged off at your mailbox, the calendar equinox dated as the first day…
It has been a couple or more years since we have seen them. The fact remains that the large tree,…
Ticktock of time
The years they come and the years they go, with the ticking of each second of time persistent. Time…
The smell of food
I don’t think there is anything more pleasant than walking, on a cold, cold winter day, into…
Rainbow’s end
In a younger year, I was often told of a pot of gold that waited at the rainbow’s end. But…
Fall has fallen
As I sit down before my computer tonight, I have just watched a beautiful sunset. The sky was the…
Stop the press
Not often does stop-the-press news cross my desk, but when it comes but once in a hundred years, I…
Blue indigo mood
When I arose this past morning, the sun had no intention of peeking through the heavy cloud cover…
The guiding philosophy
The guiding philosophy of the investment business should be the maintenance of integrity. Without…
Periodically, I get the urge to annoy my editors. This is one of those times. Let’s check…
Bird ID
Though time-spanning years have weakened my far-seeing eyesight somewhat, I still enjoy watching…
Nature’s best
“There’s a bluebird on my windowsill, there’s a rainbow in the sky.” So go…
Just looking
The weekend prior to our first snowfall I took off to our son’s family farm, which is…
Proud Canadian
Not often do I not find the time to do what I usually like to do, but this week happens to be one…