
One of the key aspects to my successful relationship with my spouse, the Carpenter, is my ability to knock this emotionally grounded man temporarily off kilter. It’s my love language and I express it well.


I do not enjoy grocery shopping because I do not enjoy cooking. Well, to be fair, I do enjoy cooking if I have time and resources to do it properly. I rarely have either, and almost never both at the same time.


Every two years, I prioritize my eye exam. By that I mean, the nice office administrator of my optometrist office calls to remind me it’s time to book my check-up, then books the appointment, and then calls me to remind me to show up for said appointment. And I do.


When I was in my impressionable early teens I regularly saw a book my dad was reading lying around the living room. It had a very dramatic cover with the title The Population Bomb. Above the title was the descriptive phrase “Population control or race to oblivion” and below was the ominous assertion


Freedom reigns in my world, just as it does in Heaven, for Christ is the Lord of both. As it is in Heaven, the manacles that once held me no longer hold me. I am most certain of this, for God’s Word says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be


This is an interesting long weekend. Valentine’s Day and Family Day. One thing leads to another, if you catch my drift. What? I’m just pointing out the obvious.