The Palmerston Terminators Junior Girls broomball team won a bronze medal at the national final…
Harriston area ballplayer signs letter of intent with U.S. college program
Years of dedication to the sport of baseball have paid off for a local youth. Jacob Thornback, 18,…
Mohawks open season with blowout win
The Elora Mohawks Junior B lacrosse team has kicked off its season with a new coach and a big…
Kara denHoed (back row third from right) of Fergus plays for the Burlington Barracudas Peewee AA…
Guelph Mandarin MS Walk is fast approaching
The Guelph Mandarin MS (multiple sclerosis) Walk will take place on May…
Volleyball tournament
The Minto/Mapleton 14U girls volleyball team finished its season with a successful home tournament…
Karate kids
Over 200 participants from 15 dojos across Ontario attended the 31st annual Canadian Naha-te Goju…
Solid gold skaters
Past and present gold level skaters from the Drayton and District Figure Skating Club from 1998 to…
Mustangs at skills competition
Four students from Maryborough Public School display a car they built and programmed to complete an…
Reach Forth Hockey offers non-competitive play, time for devotion
Four years ago, the Reach Forth Hockey organization struggled to attract local youngsters to play…
Local boxer wins gold at Boxing Canada National Championships
Local boxer Brock Stumpf has grabbed the top spot at the Boxing Canada National Championships after…
Elora school hosts karate tournament
Over 200 participants from 15 dojos across Ontario attended the 31st annual Canadian Naha-te Goju…
Off they go
In the first marathon of the season, over 800 runners participated in the 6th annual Marden…
Erin show jumping finale
On March 19 a high level roster of riders and horses competed in the Meadowlarke North Schooling…
Karate tournament
On March 6, Elora Gorge Karate Dojo hosted its 4th annual tournament as part of the International…