Three Quebec farmers from the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region in Quebec who have admitted…
Garden conference is set for Feb. 8
The Elora and Salem Horticultural Society’s 12th annual garden conference will be held…
Erin woman named president of Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
Given the 87-year history of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Gayle McPherson jokes she may…
Mother Nature can be farmer’s best friend, worst enemy
Canadians are passionate about a lot of things. Hockey aside, a discussion about weather can help…
Ontario farmers sought fair budget and followup on promises
The Ontario Federation of Agriculture was reminding the federal government last week of the…
OMAFRA office has new home in Elora
The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs staff currently housed here…
Dirksen elected president of Minto Farmers’ Market
A new Farmers’ Market here is taking another step forward. Adding to her list of many hats,…
Man hurt in farm accident
ARTHUR TWP. – The county OPP was called to an injury on a farm on Highway 6 on July 22 at…
OFAC hires a specialist
The Ontario Farm Animal Council (OFAC) has announced the hiring of Dave O’Rourke to a newly…
Michaelmas: A Numinous Feast for All Angels set for Sept. 27
What do the Canadian songstress Sarah McLachlan and the 16th-century cathedral organist William…
2009 should be a good year for farmers, says TD Economics
Despite the growing likelihood of a global economic recession next year, a combination of…
New online tools help calculate risk and control infection
Horse owners will be able to determine the risk of animals catching an infectious disease and…
CFFO:Meeting needs of different sized farms a challenge
The family farm is a cherished concept in Ontario agriculture. But increasingly, events…
Ontario establishes hog industry advisory committee
Ontario’s hog industry is taking a collaborative step forward. "We’ve…
Royal and Equine Guelph exhibit drew record crowds this year
Record crowds swarmed the EquiMania exhibit at the 2008 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.…