Three of Canada’s leading organizations in the malting industry are working to develop a…
Beef and pork farmers partner to support insurance program
Nov. 23 marked the official launch of Ontario Cattlemen’s Association and Ontario…
Charting the complexities of world hunger, food production
By 2050, there will be nine billion people on the planet, creating a huge need for sufficient…
Environmental farm incentives continue to grow
This week, the OMAFRA announced a commitment to bring an additional $3.05-million dollars to the…
Threshing bee helps towns firefighters
The annual threshing bee held each summer by the Bellamy and Griffin families has benefitted the…
Societys meeting celebrates success, community involvement
Since 1857, the Fergus Horticultural Society has been dedicated to preserving the horticultural…
ConKerr Cancer with Damascus 4-H club… helping one pillowcase at a time
When it comes to helping others, the Damascus II 4-H club is a special case – or in this…
Board appointments
Council here has appointed Bob McEachern, Michael Holzworth, Krista Fisk, and Luke Hartung as…
Canada supports young and beginning farmers
At the end of the first National Future Farmers Network held in Gatineau Nov. 15 and 16, Minister…
Foodgrains Bank makes programs more efficient
All are invited to hear Alden Braul, Canadian Foodgrains Bank Capacity Development Manager, speak…
Positive perceptions of Canadian farming on the rise survey shows
Canada’s love affair with food and farming is intensifying, a new survey shows. According to…
Wade wins Womens Institute scholarship
The Wellington North District Women’s Institute announced Stephanie Wade is the 2010 W.I.…
Community pasture project finds traceability can be chancy
The results of a small-scale RFID demonstration on a chunk of federally-managed community pasture…
Cutting edge technology to improve food safety
A new pilot plant research facility that opened NOV. 9 at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s…
Classic calendar unveils some of Ontarios fabulous farmers
A new classic, black and white calendar showcasing the photos and stories of 12 Ontario…