Recently the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) criticized the provincial government’s…
Ontario Forage Expo runs July 11 this year
The seventh Ontario Forage Expo will be held here on July 11 at the farm of Pedro and Jolanda Slits…
Horticulture Society hosts show
On May 22 the Maryborough Horticulture Society met at the Moorefield Optimist Hall for its monthly…
Plant and bake sale big success
President Bill Cheeseman and volunteers of the Clifford and District Horticultural Society hosted…
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
West Luther 4-H Club learned about hooves
May 16 was the second meeting of the West Luther 4-H Beef Club. The meeting was on hoof trimming at…
Deferred payments are now permanently allowed
Discussions between the provincial government, grain handlers and Ontarios farmers have concluded…
Fruit growers appreciate support in wake of crop damage
Ontarios apple and tender fruit growers are appreciative of the concern and support they are…
District 7 annual meeting attracted 80 gardeners from 14 societies
Tables were decorated with gardener friendly straw hats, colourful ribbons, bright colours, or…
This years fruit basket no horn of plenty
Remember those unseasonably warm days that we enjoyed at the end of this past winter? Those days…
OFA: Province sets review of Aggregate Act at worst possible time
Sand and gravel are important non-renewable resources used in building roads, subway tunnels and…
4-H photography club keeps busy snapping
On April 27 the Mimosa 4-H photography club kicked off its second meeting with a bunch of business,…
Ladies night
With Mothers Day in May, the lifestyles committee for the 2012 Waterloo Region International…
Spring Rural Romp visits township this Saturday
Taste Real is offering its second annual spring Wellington Rural Romp on May 26. Find the story…
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…