As the Ontario Harness Racing Youth Camp celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, the Hands On…
4-H Field crop club learns about pests
The second meeting of the West Luther 4-H Field Crop Club was held May 22 at Doug and Susan…
Opinion: Advocating for farm safety will take a new focus with prevention
Every day is farm safety day on the farm. But the busy spring planting season demands extra…
Mapleton 4-H Life Skills Club keeps busy
The third meeting of the Mapleton 4-H Life Skills Club (A Walk on the Wild Side) was held on May 1…
Twilight Zoo, Scare Fair hope to build success with community momentum
Artist Tim Murton and partner Julie Denneny have long believed if you build it, they will come.…
Citizens offer litany of suffering with slots program slashed by province
It took almost two hours to put a face to the misery being created in the equine industry since the…
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Unveiling the truth about soy
Soy 20/20 is hoping to boost healthy eating in Canada with the release of a new publication that…
Planting pleasure
Arthur Youth Horticultural Club members Claudia Meyers, Chloe Meyers, Brenna Charlton and Chelsea…
Political parties well represented at Wellington Countys equine meeting
Two of the three main provincial political parties had attendees at the Wellington County meeting…
Audience hears facts on equine effect on provincial economy
Wellington County council was looking for hard facts to present to the Ontario government when it…
Garden festival
Lorna Collins of Stones n More was at the Harriston Garden Festival on June 2. While rainy weather…
Crime of the Week
Sometime overnight between the hours of 9:30pm on April 16 and 6:30am on April 17, an act of…
Passengers stopped bus
Passengers on a city bus helped free a pinned driver on May 30 at about 3:55pm. Sergeant Douglas…
Annual spring flower show well attended
The Harriston and District Horticultural Societys spring flower show and meeting was well attended…