Canadas Outdoor Farm Show (COFS)will open its gates for the 19th time in Woodstock on Sept. 11. To…
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Aberfoyle Agricultural Society still going strong after 172 years
This year marks the 172nd year for the Aberfoyle Agricultural Society. Since 1840 the society has…
Friends on the Farm theme of Aberfoyle fair
Friends on the Farm is the theme of the 2012 Aberfoyle Fall Fair which runs Sept. 7 and 8, and…
Fall fair always fun for the young
From crafts displays to cattle shows theres always a heavy focus on youth at the Aberfoyle Fall…
Celebrating the history of the Arthur fair
I have read somewhere that the original fall fairs for the Arthur area were not held in Arthur, but…
President invites everyone to 156th fair
On behalf of directors, associate directors and our large group of volunteers, I would like to…
Billiald honoured to serve as ambassador
One of the most rewarding things about living in a small town is that no matter where you go,…
Forum on sustainable animal agriculture planned
The Farm and Food Care Foundation is partnering with its American counterpart, the Center for Food…
Drought sets off alarm bells for gardeners
Perhaps the old adage, experience is the best teacher, really holds true after this summer in the…
Lead on
Ethan Ringelberg of Troy, Ontario, takes part in the dairy show on Aug. 25 at the Palmerston…
On tour
Minto Mayor George Bridge takes the lead as he and council representatives travel through town on…
Riding a Deere
Palmerston Agricultural Society president Mert Schneider heads through town on his way to the…
Wood you come to the fair
Palmerston residents had picture perfect weather for its annual fair parade on Aug. 24. The video…
A Taste of Minto
Romy, Ryan and Cameron Schill of Circle R Livestock Ltd. offer up some tasty lamb at the Palmerston…