Local organizations and horticultural societies have the answer for budding gardeners and…
Salem plant sale
It was a busy morning in Salem as the Elora and Salem Horticultural Society held a spring plant…
Spring sale
Volunteers Nancy VanVeen, Anne Tinker and Claude Lacroix help out at the Elora and Salem…
Plant sale supports SLF
The Guelph GoGo Grandmothers, a group that raises funds to support the Stephen Lewis Foundation…
Horticultural society hosts plant sale
The Maryborough Horticultural Society held a plant and bake sale in downtown Moorefield on May…
OMAF and MRA Report
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) and the…
Contest planned to select farmer/family to be featured on Faces of Farming calendar
For the second year in a row, a contest is being launched to select one farmer or farm family to…
4-H Club gets project stitched up together
The first and second meetings of the Badenoch 4-H Sewing Club were held recently at the home of…
District 7 Horticultural Society Growing with the times
The gardening season is slowly kicking into gear, and it's the time of year gardeners with the 14…
Horticultural society gets advice on pruning at meeting
The April meeting of the Maryborough Horticultural Society featured Jill Welsh of Harriston as…
Horse virus warning issued for county
The Ontario Racing Commission (ORC) has issued a warning to racetracks in the province after a case…
Get the real dirt this weekend at local plant sales throughout Wellington County
With Mother's Day just around the corner, local residents are getting ready for spring and local…
Neighbourwoods group plans for “Grand” season
As Spring finally arrives, NeighbourWoods on the Grand (a branch of the Elora Environment Centre)…
GRCA encourages tree planting
The Grand River Conservation Authority says tree planting is more important than ever due to the…
Speaker offers advice on pruning to local horticultural society
The April meeting of the Maryborough Horticultural Society featured Jill Welsh of Harriston as…