Farmer's markets and full-size grocery stores seem to have an abundant supply of locally grown…
Rockwood Centennial Public School plants a community garden
The Rockwood Community Garden broke ground on its first project…
Society raises funds with plant sale
The Clifford and District Horticultural Society Plant and Bake Sale was held recently at the Rotary…
8th annual Local Food Fest set to tempt the appetite on June 23
On June 23, farmers and producers, chefs and restaurateurs, retailers and exhibitors will gather…
OMAF and MRA Report
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) and the…
4-H craft club visits Waterloo art studio
The Mapleton Kukoo Crafties held their second last meeting on May 13. Members went to The Art…
GFO, SeCan Fund announce new professorship at University of Guelph
The Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) and SeCan, the largest supplier of certified seed to Canadian…
Compost pile is essential to gardens
A visit to any forest proves that Mother Nature has been composting since day one. Every leaf that…
Maryborough Horticultural Society learns secrets of dry stone wall construction
The topic for the May meeting of the Maryborough Horticultural Society was "Dry Stone Walls,"…
Telecommunications company makes offer to purchase municipal land in Drayton
The municipality is preparing to close a deal to sell a piece of land at the northwest edge of…
Saftey Day
The Minto fire department in partnership with the Minto Safe Communities Committee hosted a…
Farmers” market gears up for another year at agricultural society property
It looks like the town has a growing concern - in a good way. As the Erin Farmers' Market gears up…
Out in the country
Mount Forest resident April Marshall and her children Charli and Dylan stopped by Wild Things Plant…
Ontario farmers forced to pay higher crop protection costs than U.S. competitors
Ontario farmers are paying an estimated $22 million more every year for crop protection products…
Eramosa 4-H Beef Club hosts a special guest speaker
The Eramosa 4-H Beef Club gathered for its second meeting of the year at the Wallace Farm in…