Kyler Trelford enjoys a pony ride under the watchful eye of her mother, Amanda. The Trelfords are…
Tractor pull
Robert Alves of Brooklyn, Ontario, brought his Allis Chalmers, nicknamed "Mad Money" to the tractor…
Great pumpkins
Checking out the winners in the giant pumpkin competition at the Fergus fair were, from left:…
Up and over
Geoff Thompson and his horse clear an obstacle during the Hunter, Jumper and Gymkhana…
4-H fun
Fair Ambassador Krista Fraser, left, and fellow Eramosa 4-H Dairy Calf Club members Julia…
Horse racing transition work should remain non-partisan, Wilkinson says
Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece, in the Legislature last week, unveiled expenses of $526,649…
Impressive pumpkins
Checking out a display of pumpkins at the Harriston Minto Fall Fair on Sept. 13 are, from left:…
Miss Firefighter
Fire Fighters Association of Ontario Ambassador Brittany Lenselink rode in style during the…
Old time music
Fair directors Laverne Stinson, left, and Dan Bieman teamed up to entertain on wash tub and guitar…
Demo derby
The demolition derby on Sunday is always a highlight of the Harriston Minto Fall Fair. This year's…
Pruning is a dilemma that all gardeners must eventually face
To prune or not to prune, there is no question about it. All garden bushes, shrubs or trees at one…
Chili champ
Andrew Taylor was the winner of the chili cook-off, a new event at this year's Fergus Fall Fair.…
GRCA: Workshop to help rural landowners manage trees
Rural landowners who want to learn more about planting and managing trees on their land can attend…
School float
Students and staff were dressed for the fair's Barnyard Bonanza theme on the Minto Clifford School…
Fair gets rolling with “Wheels” theme featuring new Demolition Derby Cross
"The Grand Valley Agricultural Society is now 141 years old and the "Wheels' of time are moving…