Champions were declared in four categories in the EkotuningCom King of the Pull competition…
Aberfoyle market hosts first food festival
The Aberfoyle Farmers' Market vendors and volunteers are hosting their first Savour September Food…
Fall fair Ambassador winners receive certificates
Royal welcome - Wellington North Mayor Ray Tout handed out certificates to the Mount Forest Fall…
Fall celebration
Threshing exhibits were a big hit during the Harvest Home Festival on Sept. 22 at the county museum…
Sheer delight
Sheep shearer Tom Redpath's demonstration proved popular with festival visitors during the Harvest…
Township welcomes 4-H Ontario as group plans open house in new home
While they moved in to their new Rockwood home this spring, representatives from 4-H Ontario came…
Celebrate the local harvest: Announcing the 7th Annual Fall Wellington Rural Romp
Taste Real invites the community to join them on Sept. 28 from 10am to 4pm for the 7th Annual Fall…
Daffodils are a good choice to deter invading wildlife
Every now and then, it may be time for me to surrender. Simply give it up. I've done everything to…
King of the Pull competition wraps up after final event at Fergus Fall Fair
Champions were declared in four categories in the EkotuningCom King of the Pull competition…
Horticultural society holds fall show
There were 149 entries for the Fall Flower and Vegetable Show held by the Moorefield and District…
Productive break
On Sept. 10 Heritage River Retirement Residence in Elora hosted an Alzheimer Coffee Break 50/50…
OMAF and MRA Report
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) and the…
Rockwood youth part of global 4-H ag-summit
One hundred and eighteen youth from 20 countries worldwide, including Rockwood resident Cassandra…
Harvest Home Festival celebrates rural history
The Wellington County Museum and Archives will host its annual Harvest Home Festival on Sept. 22…
Rural life celebrated at local church service
Rural life was highlighted and celebrated at Central Pentecostal Church on Aug. 25 when a church…