Valerie and Allison Wallace of Elora worked hard on Monday morning preparing their livestock for…
Opposition parties critical of premier”s proposal for horse industry
If there are fans of Premier Kathleen Wynne's recent unveiling of the long-awaited horse racing…
Wynne unveils five-year, $400-million plan for horse racing industry
It could be good News for Centre Wellington and the provincial horse racing industry. Ontario…
On track
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, right, is taken around the track at the Grand River Raceway on Oct.…
Festival singers offer fall, winter concerts
After a very successful series of summer concerts, The Elora Festival Singers are about to launch…
WFA announces Baptie Memorial Bursary winners
The Wellington Federation of Agriculture has announced the winners of this year's Ray Baptie…
OMAF and MRA Report
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) and the…
Pretty pony
Eve Snobelen of Ripley pets a pony at the fall Saugeen Valley Fur and Feather Fanciers Fair at the…
Fur and feathers
The fall Saugeen Valley Fur and Feather Fanciers Fair attracted a large crowd of vendors, buyers…
Bunnies for sale
All kinds of creatures were on display at the fall Saugeen Valley Fur and Feather Fanciers Fair at…
Proud peacock owner
Jeremy Williams of Sunderland picked up a pair of peacocks at the fall Saugeen Valley Fur and…
Savour the Flavours
Another sold out Savour the Flavours of Minto event was held on Oct. 3. This year's event at the…
ReRoot Organic booth
Tony Andrade, Amanda Robinson and Lucy Andrade are pictured at the ReRoot Organic booth at Savour…
Drive Away Hunger on Oct. 17
Farm Credit Corporation's 2013 Drive Away Hunger campaign, now in its 10th year, will pass through…
OMAF and MRA Report
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) and the…