Sunrise Therapeutic Riding and Learning Centre is seeking support for one of its…
Community gardeners
Minto Mayor George Bridge got some help planting his plot at the new community garden from a trio…
Garden Festival
The Harriston Horticultural Society hosted its annual Garden Festival on June 7. Jonelle Littley,…
Garden opening
Mayor George Bridge and members of the Minto Community Garden committee cut the ribbon for the…
Ground breaking
Workers at the Gryphon Community Gardens at Elora Public School broke ground on May…
Electives held at Victoria Cross Public School
Victoria Cross Public School held its first set of electives in April. Thank you to all the…
Spring colours
Penny Lipsett of Elora snapped this photo of a purple Iris in her garden on Sophia St. Iris is the…
Succulent plants perfect for hectic lifestyles
Now is the time of year to focus on outdoor landscaping projects. One popular project involves…
Rain barrel fundraiser
The Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Drayton held the annual truckload Rain Barrel Sale at the…
Minto plans community garden opening
In an effort to create a sustainable, local, healthy food supply with a focus on social interaction…
Aboretum plans walks
The Arboretum is offering walks until August 27 on Wednesday evenings beginning at…
Social media campaign to help injured farmers
Farm Credit Canada (FCC), the Rick Hansen Foundation and the Canadian Agricultural Safety…
Rural Romp
The annual Spring Rural Romp on May 31 featured a self-guided tour of 15 agriculture-related…
Farm safety
Waterloo Rural Women will be hosting Children's Farm Safety day on June 14 at Murray and Sandra…
Mapleton 4-H Club members learn to pack
The Mapleton 4-H etiquette club held its fourth meeting at leader Cathy Dobben's…