Norm Eygenraam, owner of Multi Shelter Solutions in Palmerston, left, explains his greenhouse…
Euchre held in Palmerston
An LA Challenge Euchre was held on Jan. 5 at the Legion…
Letter from Moorefield youths to form part of skate park funding application
A written inquiry from two Moorefield youths about the status of the proposed skate park in Drayton…
Fergus Fall Fair unveils new logo, board
The Fergus Agricultural Society unveiled a new logo and announced a new slate of 21 volunteer board…
Ontario fruit and vegetable growers launch new website
The Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association (OFVGA) has launched its new…
New members welcome
Wellington Junior Farmers held a new members day at the Harriston Curling Club on Jan. 24.…
Honouring local fair ambassadors
On Feb. 9 Wellington North council presented certificates of congratulation to local fall fair…
OMAF and MRA Report
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Canadian Dairy XPO set to bring new features to 2015 event
Anyone who has heard the Canadian Dairy XPO (CDX) is going to offer dairy producers the same…
Government supports dairy research centre
The federal government will spend $3 million towards helping the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO)…
From farm to table in Wellington County
A cross section of local food industry professionals including farmers, producers and chefs will…
Minto farmers markets had successful 2014 season
The 2014 season was a success for farmers markets in Minto. Economic and business manager Belinda…
Beef industry star
The Wellington County Cattleman's Association held its annual general meeting at the Alma Bible…
Runners up for award
The Wellington County Cattleman's Association held its annual general meeting at the Alma Bible…
2016 “faces of farming” calendar contest applications now being accepted
With the new year comes a new calendar, and that means it is time once again for Farm and Food Care…