Colin Buckley and Andre Fortin are two of the riders who participated in the four horse musical…
Celebrate Sunrise!
A musical ride was part of the annual June fundraiser for Sunrise Therapeutic Riding and Learning…
Wellington Catholic student is top graphic designer in Canada
Four days, hard work and anticipation culminated into one hopeful statement: "and the Gold medal…
Summer Volunteer Opportunities at Sunrise Therapeutic Riding
Sunrise Equestrian is looking for volunteers to help children with special needs enjoy their camp…
New to You Farmers Market opens June 12
Organizers are excited for the first New to You Farmer's Market on June 12 from 1 to 6pm. It will…
Public welcome to Celebrate Sunrise on June 14 in Puslinch
On June 14 from 1:30 to 4:30pm, Sunrise Therapeutic Riding and Learning Centre will be welcoming…
Township sprays stinkweed infestation from Kenilworth
Field pennycress, also known as stinkweed, was causing a stink on Sideroad 8 West outside of…
Rob Black: 4-H teaches skills that “go beyond the farm gate”
"I wouldn't be where I am today without 4-H. It has made me a better person," said Rob Black, guest…
4-H 100th anniversary
The members of the Waterloo 4-H Clubs are excited to invite you to the 100th Anniversary…
IPM chair makes pitch for volunteers
Volunteers will be needed from the county when Wellington hosts the International Plowing Match in…
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Sun shines on Garden Festival in Harriston
The Harriston and District Horticultural Society hosted its annual Garden Festival on June 6. Good…
Garden Festival
Exhibitors were spread out around the Harriston Community Centre pavilion for the Harriston and…
Another farm dwelling severance
Rezonings to accommodate the severance of surplus farm dwellings is becoming standard fare at…
Spring draw
Winners were drawn recently for the Alma Garden Club spring…