Over forty dairy cows died in a fire that destroyed a Maryhill barn on March…
OMAFRA report
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Ontarians each drank 70L of milk in 2015
Milk from dairy cattle is used in products such as cream, yogurt, ice cream and cream…
CDX returns for 4th year with site improvements
The Canadian Dairy Xpo (CDX) is back - and bigger than…
Resident questions transportation route used for wind farm turbines
While it's obvious there's a wind farm in Mapleton because the turbines are plainly visible, it…
ROI showcase video filmed in Harriston
A video filmed here on March 16 will form part of the Rural Ontario Institute's (ROI) Youth…
Hoover: Maple syrup production three weeks ahead of schedule this year
Though sap may stop flowing earlier than normal this year, maple syrup producers won't necessarily…
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Exploring therapy and counselling in an alternative setting
On April 23, Sunrise Therapeutic Riding and Learning Centre will be hosting a seminar "Exploring…
10th annual Pizza Perfect event coming to raceway
Over the course of two days next week, nearly 800 Grade 3 students will delve into the Pizza…
Items made from historic grist mill on sale to celebrate homecoming
Chairman Bill Smith noted 18 months had passed with 16 more to go at the Clifford Homecoming 2017…
MPP speaks out about safety on the farm
Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece recently recognized Canadian Agricultural Safety Week,…
Organizers aim to maintain status as “Ontario”s agri-business showcase”
The Drayton Kinsmen, sponsors of the 35th Annual Drayton Farm Show, have been hard at work…
Mill Creek Stewardship Rangers work through the hot summer to maintain the creek as a cold water stream
Although 2015 may have been the warmest year on record, the Friends on Mill Creek (FOMC) and the…
Site plan control on agricultural buildings, impact of fill regulations
When it comes to the use of fill, Wellington County's manager of development planning Aldo Salis…