A free workshop on windbreaks, shelterbelts and living snow fences entitled Right Tree, Right…
Stevens: new agricultural charges would have “enormous” impact
Leaders of area farm organizations addressed council here on Nov. 8 on the topic of proposed…
Off-road review
Walter Grose of the Wellington Farm and Home Safety Association reviews off road vehicle rules with…
Show time
Lucy Francisco prepped her Limousin calf "Francisco's Red Hot" for show at the Royal Winter Fair on…
OMAFRA report
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
Risk management: Ontario Agriculture Roadshow
BDO is actively involved in farm communities and agribusiness throughout Ontario and would like to…
Erin”s 4-H square dancing club has begun
The first meeting of the Erin 4-H Square Dancing Club was held on Oct.…
Local beef producer John Rowe receives 2016 GRCA watershed award
John Rowe has a different way of relating to his land and his cattle " a way that he's been…
4-H: Making bread
The first meeting of the Badenoch 4-H Club was held on Oct. 21 at the home of Joan Law. The roll…
More consultation planned on farm development charges
Council here plans further public consultation before making a decision on a proposal to end a…
Master Breeders disperse herd
A new season is beginning at Sprucecho Farms of Moorefield. Owners Gary and Debbie Oxby have…
Don”t throw away those leaves
Leaves are a valuable commodity for gardeners. Following are ways and benefits of using leaves,…
Spirit of Sportsmanship
Helen Moffat of Mapleton Township presents Joey Parkinson of Belwood with the trophy for Most…
4-H: Showmanship and obstacle courses
The 4-H Poultry Club began with bringing our chickens to Mimosa Church in our newly made show…
Queen competition
The final events in the 2016-17 Queen of the Furrow competition took place at the Wellington…