Nick Grose, left, and Taylor Hodgins show off Hodgins' livestock diorama display at the Jolley's…
4-H Badenoch Candy Crafters Club hosts meeting
The first two meetings of the Badenoch Candy Crafters Club were held at the home of Joan Law on…
Market opening
The Minto Farmers' Market season opening was busy on June 3 at the Palmerston Railway…
Salem Public School wins board environmental award
"Live green, learn green, go green." The Upper Grand District School Board's (UGDSB) slogan is…
University researchers studying horse contact patterns
University of Guelph researchers are delving into equine contact patterns for the first time. PhD…
Hound club offers summer rides
A sunny morning in June, a lovely ride throughout the countryside with good friends, followed by…
Western rider aims for top five in novice championships
Western rider Teghan Tanner is set to compete this summer in close to 20 horse shows across North…
Local stable brings racehorse ownership to the masses
The idea of owning a racehorse may just be a dream for some, but The Stable's Amy and Anthony…
“Mane” event
The Centre Wellington Equine Trade Show and Used Tack Sale took place at the Centre Wellington…
Get the real dirt; own a piece of Puslinch Lake
Ready to own a piece of Puslinch Lake? Puslinch Lake soil - screened, rock-free, and rich in…
Many hands made light work on Earth Day in Eden Mills
Many hands - The Edible Forest Garden in Eden Mills held its first event of the year on April 22,…
Compost cutline correction
There was an error in a cutline for last week's photo in the print edition of the Wellington…
Plant swap and compost fundraiser on May 6
The Kortright Hills Neighbourhood Group annual plant swap and 26th Guelph Scouting Group compost…
Heritage trees and honey bees topics at OHA District 7 AGM
About 100 members and guests attended the Ontario Horticulture Association District 7 annual…
Local diorama club set to host carpet farming display contest
Scale farming, or carpet farming - call it what you like - there is a group meeting weekly at…