A Puslinch Township man is dead after a crash near Fergus on June 26 at about 6pm. OPP Constable…
Pet care, please
City police here are asking residents everywhere to not leave their pets locked in a hot…
City police issue tips for pool safety
Summer fully arrived last week and police noted that many people will be jumping in pools to cool…
Police plan blitz on commercial vehicles
The OPP, in partnership with the Ministries of Transportation and Environment is set to launch…
Ready to barbecue
Volunteers were busy on June 2 barbecuing lots of treats to raise funds for Crime Stoppers of…
Town officially launches Road Watch program
Mintos Road Watch program was officially launched June 9, even though signs for the program -…
Fighting fraud
Norwell District High School students and older adults from the area worked together recently on a…
Crime spree has council concerned
Erin is undergoing a bit of a crime spree according to Mayor Lou Maieron. He asked county council…
Police to issue bills if checks uncollected
Its one thing to provide free police checks for groups that need volunteers, but it is quite…
Law Enforcement Special Olympics Torch Run tours Wellington County
Though the wrap-up run was in Fergus on May 17, the local Torch Run for Special Olympics…
Seven died on roads
Seven people were killed on Ontario roads on the long weekend, another died on the water, and…
Black bear seen several times
The Halton Regional Police Service has received reports of several bear sighting reports over the…
Road Safety Week runs through long weekend
OPP detachments across the province are making preparations to support the annual Canada Road…
OFA supports call to bring back spring bear hunt
The Ontario Federation of Agriculture is now standing with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and…
Police, mayor urge residents to contact OPP upon witnessing crimes
Wellington County OPP statistics show this town is one of the countys safest communities in which…