The OPP plans to text thousands of people who were near a murder victim last year, hoping it help…
Break-ins, thefts
Wellington County OPP is investigating break-ins and thefts at two homes on the 3rd Line…
Car wash break-in, theft
On Oct. 25 at about 6:47pm Wellington County OPP received a report of a break-in at the car wash on…
Another break-in, theft
On Oct. 28 Wellington County OPP received a report of a break-in at a residence on Dublin Street…
Keep windows clear
Wellington County OPP is urging motorists to clear their windows of…
OPP offers tips to avoid collisions with deer
Until the end of November, Wellington County OPP is urging drivers to be more alert and be wary of…
Positive ticketing blitz reinforces good driving habits among local teens
Texting behind the wheel is equivalent to driving blindfolded for almost five seconds, say local…
Police, fire officials investigating suspicious house fires
Fire and police officials are looking at possible links between three recent fires at unoccupied…
OPP uses court-ordered data to contact cell phone users about murder
The OPP plans to text thousands of people who were near a murder victim last year, hoping it help…
OPP offers Halloween safety tips
Wellington County OPP officials would like everyone to have a safe and fun…
OPP looking into suspicious incidents in Guelph-Eramosa
Police are investigating a number of suspicious incidents here recently and are urging those living…
Crime of the Week
Sometime during the first week of October, a trumpeter swan was shot at Luther Marsh, northeast of…
Stolen ATV
Wellington County OPP was called to a residence on Elora Street here for a report of a stolen…
Curry sentenced to 21 months for possessing child pornography
Paul Curry was sentenced on Monday to 21 months in jail for possession of child…
OPP warn of cyber security scams
The OPP are reminding the public to be aware of the email scams criminals use to commit identity…