ELORA – The three weeks of song that made up the 45th season of the Elora Festival came to an end on July 20 with a show featuring the festival’s ensemble-in-residence, the Elora Singers.
Outstanding in the fields
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Farmer Luke Hartung shared the wisdom of his experience with members of the West Luther Field Crops 4-H Club when he hosted the club’s most recent meeting at his property, Harwill Farms, on July 16.
U15 Centre Wellington Riverhawks win Zone 8 Championship
CENTRE WELLINGTON – The U15 Centre Wellington Riverhawks lacrosse team faced the Kitchener-Waterloo Kodiaks on July 22 in Waterloo for the Zone 8 title.
Elora Singers fill the woods with music
ELMIRA – Bright and early on July 7 a group of people took a bus from Salem to the Sandy Hill Trails Forest just north of Elmira to listen to the Elora Singers.
Pete Thorn and Belwood Lake Car Club rev up community spirit
BELWOOD – Pete Thorn fondly recalls taking trips to Florida as a child with his family and his cousins in an old Chevrolet Suburban.
Farrier Sara Veenstra brings happiness, one hoof at a time
BELWOOD – The art of the farrier is documented as far back as 300 B.C.
Demolition of Old Groves hospital nears completion
FERGUS – The old Groves Memorial Community Hospital on Union Street in Fergus is in the midst of demolition, which should be completed by the end of summer or early fall, according to hospital president and CEO Angela Stanley.
Large animal emergency rescue workshop
GUELPH – Equine Guelph hosted a large animal emergency rescue workshop for firefighters on Canada Day weekend in Guelph.
Hillsburgh arena rink set to open in September
ERIN – During the “much-needed” Centre 2000 renovations the Town of Erin has decided to open the Hillsburgh Community Centre rink earlier than in previous seasons, officials stated.
Hillside Festival brings thousands to Guelph Lake Island
GUELPH/ERAMOSA – Since 1987, music-lovers have gathered on Guelph Lake Island for Hillside music festival.
Indigenous women recognized for children’s welfare work
GUELPH – Family and Children’s Services of Guelph and Wellington County (FCSGW) has recognized three Indigenous women for their work in child welfare advocacy.
Linwood man charged with sexual assault
CENTRE WELLINGTON – Wellington County OPP officials say police started an investigation "into a reported sexual offence at an address in Centre Wellington" on June 6.
OPP officer justified in detaining reporter at accident scene but took camera card without warrant: report
GUELPH – An independent investigator has found an OPP officer was in the wrong when he searched the SD card of a camera belonging to a guelphtoday.com reporter at the scene of a fatal accident in Guelph last December.
Wellington Road 44 to close due to culvert repair in August
GUELPH/ERAMOSA – The County of Wellington will be completing a culvert repair on Wellington Road 44 between Eramosa-Milton Townline and Indian Trail in Guelph/Eramosa.
Township says county should take lead on proposed childcare centre in Belwood
ELORA – Centre Wellington Mayor Shawn Watters might have been hoping for a quick "yes" from Wellington County after a developer offered to build a childcare centre in Belwood as a way to give back to the community. But he quickly discovered childcare is complicated.