The provincial government hopes to prepare all residents for the coming flu season,…
Wellington 4-H holds battery fundraiser
Every year the Wellington County 4-H Association holds various fundraisers in an effort to support…
Rothsay business seeks expansion; barn construction to go with woodworking shop
A business located just outside Rothsay is one step closer to a proposed expansion, despite some…
Gravel pit hearings could last five weeks
Centre Wellington residents could have a huge opportunity to sit through Ontario…
Committee wants to offer more services to northern cancer patients
A local group from this township wants to be more than just a driving force when it comes to…
4-H Ontario office reopens
It’s a partnership that continues to grow … in a good way. On Sept. 9, 4-H Ontario with…
Wellington Catholic District School Board approves $97-million budget
The Wellington Catholic District School Board has approved a "balanced" budget for 2014-15. The…
Complaints a factor for parking tickets
When county council considered its Police Services Board report last month, councillor Bob Wilson…
Council cancelled recycling pickup for commercial users
As of October, merchants who once had county recyclables picked up at their shops were on…
Fate of South Luther Hall delayed by council – yet again
Councillors here are prepared to make a final decision about the South Luther Hall at their next…
OMAF Report
A weekly press release prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural…
Crime Stoppers poster contest
Students in Wellington and the Guelph are invited to take an interest in crime prevention by…
Police supporting positive actions of youths
Young people doing the right thing may earn themselves some well-deserved recognition this…
Committee to be formed to find creative solutions to odour issue
All Treat Farms Limited, the Township of Wellington North, and the Guelph district office of the…
County ponders problem of user pay garbage bags
When Wellington County officials evaluated its pilot project for rural garbage and…