Residents here will be paying 8.12% more in town taxes this year than in 2007. Last week, Erin…
Area hospital gets funds
Patients at local hospitals in Perth-Wellington will benefit from the $2,036,550 investment in…
Councillors chide Canada Post manager over proposals for rural mail delivery
A Canada Post representative trying to provide an update on the state of rural mail delivery got an…
15 Societies attended Horticulture meeting
The Spring Ontario Horticultural Association’s District 7 annual general meeting was…
Minto council hikes taxes 4.5% to address infrastructure issues
Residents here will see the local part of their tax bills jump $44 this year. On May 7, Minto…
Horticultural group held mini-show in April
The Harriston and District Horticultural Society met on April 14 at the Harriston-Minto Community…
Bowden tops in world in one sport, cut from team in another
The last month has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for local athlete Brad Bowden. In…
Local nurse wins Cancer Care Ontario’s Human Touch award
A nurse who has worked in Fergus for nine years has won a Human Touch award from Cancer Care…
Tammy Reiner new councillor in Minto
Tammy Reiner is heading from the classroom into the council chamber. The Harriston Senior Public…
Catch-up measles immunization clinics set for next week
Beginning the week of May 12, Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health will offer six additional…
A weekly press release prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural…
Dublin WI Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Dublin Women’s Institute was held on April 16 at the home of Barb…
County population projections called ‘crap’ by Wellington North councillor
Councillor Ross Chaulk believes population projections for this part of Wellington County are…
Proposed new building to create combined works yard for Arthur
Councillor Ross Chaulk has no issue with a new waterworks building in Arthur – providing…
Memorial walkway around Mount Forest cenotaph approved
Wellington North council has given its blessing to the idea of a memorial walkway around the…