Phone books and snowblowers do not mix. And it’s a challenge to find the right number to call…
World’s largest barbecue will have special focus at raceway
An Elora cookbook author and writer wants to create a national holiday celebrating food and is…
Grey County Inspector takes Wellington duties
GUELPH – Wellington County OPP Inspector Steve Walsh said goodbye at county council on Feb.…
Mechanic dyes hair pink to aid in fight against breast cancer
It’s not often that a girl gets to dye her brother’s hair pink with a yellow…
Residential project changing to reflect demand says spokesman
The Reid Heritage Homes project at the former Centre Wellington District High School may be…
Event raised $4,000 for troop fund
The Colonel John McCrae Branch Legion is thanking everyone for the support demonstrated at the…
Theatre Guild performs Shirley Valentine starting March 20
Audiences can expect plenty of laughs based on the love of living when the Grey Wellington Theatre…
New Fergus hospital a step closer; cost could reach $100-million
The Groves Memorial Community Hospital board has taken one more step toward a new facility.…
Insurance rates jump almost $50,000 for Wellington North
New insurance premiums in Wellington North were an unwelcome early Christmas present for…
Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis calls up 100% this year
Zhaleh Afshar said, “it’s really quite amazing” how far Guelph-Wellington Women…
ENERGY CONSERVATION: Icicles on a roof are hazard for the home, and for energy bills
GreenSaver is alerting homeowners that now is the time to inspect their roofs and eaves for…
ENERGY CONSERVATION: Co-op applauds new Energy Act
Countryside Energy Co-operative is applauding the introduction of the Green Energy Act of…
Paris theme set for 2009 Hospital Starlight Gala
The communities of Minto and Mapleton have a long tradition of solid partnership with the…
Skateboard park talks ramp up again in Erin
If last week’s council meeting is any indication, there seems to be renewed local interest in…
Public meet March 4 on fair trade
Four citizens from the Elora area are hoping that the community is interested in helping…