Feeling the winter blues? Stuck in a culinary rut? Kids won’t eat your food no matter how…
New beginnings for Samantha Rae
Curling up by the fireplace on a cold, winter’s day is a pastime Samantha (Sam) Rae is…
Annual heifer sale raised $202,000 for MCC
The 28th annual heifer sale sponsored by Ontario Mennonite Relief Sale Inc. raised $202,000 for the…
Explosives storage proposal creates fireworks
Residents of East Luther Grand Valley packed the township hall here on March 3 to hear…
Financing for downtown improvements
Mount Forest’s BIA is now helping to cover some costs to revitalize its downtown area. BIA…
Councillors growing weary over facing same questions about garbage
Several county councillors here have indicated they are tired of facing the same types of questions…
Conservation Authority willing to take council help for cash lobbying
The general manager of Maitland Valley Conservation Authority says his…
Erin council favours default speed limit of 80km/hour in rural areas
Town council has decided to increase the default speed limit on Erin’s rural roads from…
Visser wants more cash for lights
A Nestlé Waters spokesman was vague last week about what is delaying the installation of…
Council: posting Maieron’s waste survey on website better than mailing
Town council will not foot the entire bill to distribute county councillor Lou Maieron’s…
Tilden celebrated his 100th birthday in style
Former Wellington County Warden Bill Tilden passed away on March 1 after celebrating his…
Walking groups a big hit with local seniors
Not even some nasty weather this winter has stopped seniors in northern Wellington County from…
Quenneville: noticed by his absence
When it comes to health care in Minto, North Wellington Health Care CEO Jerome Quenneville was…
WEB ONLY: Taking stewardship seriously
They’re not exactly ‘tree-huggers’ per se, but members of Wellington…
Downtowns designated for improvement
The downtown areas of Clifford, Harriston and Palmerston are now officially community improvement…