Three people vying for the same job were remarkably polite to each other and united in their…
Centre Wellington Minor Atoms are OMHA Champs
The Centre Wellington Minor Atom’s have just finished an amazing season capped off by winning…
County names preferred site for Centre Wellington police building
County councillors have given tentative approval to locate a new OPP station at Wellington…
WEB ONLY: OFA: province’s ignoring of science, new rules may cause harm
Agricultural and landscaping groups, along with Canada’s plant science industry, are…
WEB ONLY: Salons spreading the word
GUELPH – When women go to their hair salon in April, they may wind up talking to their…
WEB ONLY: Step-families need special work
Finally there is help available for people living in, or thinking about creating, a step-family.…
WEB ONLY: Generator failure cause of recent boil water advisory
Mapleton officials want to assure residents a recent boil water advisory was related to a generator…
WEB ONLY: Town’s food bank use increases by 160%
The community here rose to the occasion as the food drive sponsored by Loblaws and Mark’s…
WEB ONLY: Panel discussion to focus on recognizing signs of women abuse
The Neighbours, Friends and Families campaign is offering Caring Communities – Imagine a…
WEB ONLY: Puppet show at River Run Centre May 2
Puppetry and original music come together to bring the beloved children’s book…
WEB ONLY: GSO has 8th under-23 Concerto contest May 2
The Guelph Symphony Orchestra will hold the finals of its eighth annual under-23 concerto…
WEB ONLY: 4-H Beef Club holds its first meeting of year
The 2009 4-H year is off to a great start. On April 16, the Eramosa 4-H beef club held its first…
WEB ONLY: Coalition celebrates No Diet Day May 6
The Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Eating Disorders Coalition celebrates International No…
Loblaws to charge for bags, donate cash to charity
In an effort to reduce the environmental impact of plastic shopping bags, starting April 22, Loblaw…
Visser asks for budget on rec facility
While Puslinch councillors are excited about the prospect of a new multi-use recreational facility,…