There will be a five-day painting workshop May 14 to 18 at the Elora Centre for the…
Book sale set for May 30, 31
The Upper Credit Humane Society will hold a fundraising book sale at Georgetown…
Stroy’s bridge likely doomed despite some objections
Puslinch township has received several objections to the removal of Stroy’s bridge, but…
Group wants to build pavillion for Damascus Hall
Members of the Damascus Hall board of directors want to build a pavilion there. Rita Cudney, Dianne…
Residents concerned about cost, effects of study’s outcome
“I always looked at this community as the High Park of the Greater Toronto Area,”…
Rumours continue about hospital closure
Rumours of local hospital closures need to be addressed, according to Wellington North Mayor…
FERGUS SCOTTISH FESTIVAL: It’s like Scotland – without the air fare
Where can someone get modern and traditional Celtic music, watch men toss cabers, hear the cry of…
Grant application would improve seniors’ access
Councillors here are hoping to make the Harriston seniors centre more accessible. Councillors…
WEB ONLY: Step-families need special work
Finally there is help available for people living in, or thinking about creating, a step-family.…
WEB ONLY: Generator failure cause of recent boil water advisory
Mapleton officials want to assure residents a recent boil water advisory was related to a generator…
WEB ONLY: Town’s food bank use increases by 160%
The community here rose to the occasion as the food drive sponsored by Loblaws and Mark’s…
WEB ONLY: Panel discussion to focus on recognizing signs of women abuse
The Neighbours, Friends and Families campaign is offering Caring Communities – Imagine a…
WEB ONLY: Puppet show at River Run Centre May 2
Puppetry and original music come together to bring the beloved children’s book…
WEB ONLY: GSO has 8th under-23 Concerto contest May 2
The Guelph Symphony Orchestra will hold the finals of its eighth annual under-23 concerto…
WEB ONLY: 4-H Beef Club holds its first meeting of year
The 2009 4-H year is off to a great start. On April 16, the Eramosa 4-H beef club held its first…