The Elora-Cataract Trailway Association, in conjunction with the Grand River Conservation…
Town seeks medical centre proposals
The town has issued a request for proposals for a new medical centre, with submissions due by June…
Students planted 1,000 trees
On May 14, two classes of the Community Environmental Leadership Program (CELP) of the Upper…
Crime statistics dropping slightly in township, council hears
Just about every council in Wellington County was relieved to learn that Centre Wellington had…
County gets grant for Green Legacy
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and Tree Canada recently announced the 23 communities…
Veteran appreciation
The city is holding a veteran appreciation day on Aug. 11 at 10am. The event, presented jointly by…
Centre Wellington Township quietly growing hundreds of trees
Wellington County is well known for its tree planting programs ever since the Green Legacy…
Comment deadline on gravel pits extended until Sept. 4
The deadline for public comment on a report on aggregate extraction in the Grand River…
District 10 results
Below are the most recent District 10 / 4 results received by the Wellington Advertiser office as…
An Inspector Calls running at Century Church Theatre
J.B. Priestley’s masterpiece of mystery writing, An Inspector Calls, comes to Century…
Chong announces support for Hillside Festival
Wellington-Halton Hills MP Michael Chong, announced a $60,000 grant last week for the Hillside…
Chong announces support for Hillside Festival
Wellington-Halton Hills MP Michael Chong, announced a $60,000 grant last week for the Hillside…
Grand Painting Experience runs on June 6, 7
The Grand Painting Experience welcomes everyone interested in learning the basics of painting…
Museum celebrating International Day
Ontario’s museums are featuring hundreds of exciting exhibits and events during…
Sensational Elora to run Oct. 2 to 12 this year
Plans are underway for the second annual Sensational Elora: A Festival of the Senses (winner of the…